Miniature embroidery hoops

I have a new tutorial up over at Fiskars. I know it's hard to think about Christmas with having Thanksgiving this week (US readers) but this is a sweet little craft that takes very little time and I always think that a bit of hand sewing is such a calming, pace-changing activity. You can read the full tutorial here.

Talking of Thanksgiving, I have been wondering about whether to join so many other bloggers and write a post about what I'm feeling thankful for... Part of me thinks that if I start writing, I would probably never stop. Writing the first few sentences would open a flood gate of emotion I'm not sure would ever run dry. Just thinking about this time of year literally fills my heart to overflowing, makes my hands shake and want to hold my children and husband so close that I'd never let them go.


  1. so cute! and i agree about hand sewing being a calming activity... it's perfect for wintery, cocoa nights ;)

    i noticed you used wool... i'm allergic; do you think a plain nonwool felt would work ok?

  2. Soooo so cute!
    I'm just getting ready to sew some of Anna Maria Horner loulou :)

  3. I'm sure the recycled felt would work, as long as it's not too thin!

    Shelly - lucky you!!

  4. So cute! I've seen similar projects before, but never thought about making them seasonally (or ornament-sized). I'll definitely be putting this idea to use this holiday season!


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