Margot Doll

It was my daughter's 5th birthday last week and as mentioned in my previous post, I made her the Margot Doll from the Wee Wonderful's book 24 Dolls to sew and love. Margot is pretty special because she is two dolls in one. I never had one of these dolls when I was little, but it is just the kind of thing that would have fascinated me. On one side, Margot is wearing her hair down in plaits and has her apron on ready for some work. When you flip her over, under her skirt you find she is all dressed up for a party in a beautiful dress and fancy hair.

When I gave this to my daughter, I let her discover Margot's other side all by herself (it took about 20 mins before she realized there was another side to Margot) and watching her face when she made the discovery was completely priceless. One of those moments I will always treasure.

Margot took me about a week to make, which is a long time for me. I usually like to knock out a project in a couple of days, but for some reason she came together quite slowly. I had to re-do the embroidered face several times because she was pretty fierce looking before I ditched the black thread for brown. I can't tell you how useful a doll needle is. In all, I'm very happy with how she came out and the directions were very easy to follow.

The book is full of lots of cute projects. I think Katie Kitty is asking me to make her next. Have you made anything from this book? Feel free to link to something you have made in the comments section so I can take a peek.



  1. cool! What is a doll needle, though?

  2. Hey Kathryn, a doll needle is a really long needle which is still quite skinny. Mine is 3" long. When you embroider the hair and face on a doll you tie off the ends into the back of the head. A regular length needle isn't really long enough to reach all the way through the doll. I didn't know doll needles existed, but the author of the book recommends one and I have to say, I'm so glad she did!

  3. Gorgeous dolls. Love their outfits too!

  4. Thank you for sharing. I love this idea ~ are the directions in the book?

  5. Hi Patricia, yes all the directions as well as the patterns are in the book. I think there are 24 different projects to make. It's a cute book.

  6. Your doll is beautiful! I smiled at your description of letting your daughter discover the other side by herself. I'm sure I would've been so eager to point it out! I've made the giraffe and the kitty so far. Here's the kitty:
    I changed it a bit because the head looked odd to me, and the eyes looked a bit alien-ish.


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