New Year's Resolution

Have you made any new year's resolutions? I tend to make new week's resolutions or new months resolutions all year long (I WILL be a more patient less a better cook) so by the end of the year I'm pretty perfect.

I wish.

No-one has ever called me patient, my husband prefers to eat cereal for dinner and don't get me started on the chocolate.

What I mean is, I don't really see the New Year as a reason to try and be a better person. I try to do that all year round even if sometimes I fail.

However, the beginning of a year always makes me assess the year ahead. It makes me think about my goals, what I want to achieve and how I intend to get there. Conveniently for me, the year is divided into 12 (almost) equal parts (I've always liked the number 12) and I am good at breaking down my goals into manageable pieces. Some might call it taking one step at a time.

So, I'm dividing my year into 12 (almost) equal parts - I guess we could call them months - and I'm going to make one item of clothing for myself each month, so that by the end of the year I have 12 lovely items that I will cherish for years to come. Emphasis will be on CHERISH FOR YEARS TO COME rather than ENDING UP IN MY SCRAPS BASKET or RAG TO CLEAN OIL FROM MY HUSBAND'S CAR ENGINE.

Hey, guess what! My first project for January is up over at the Fiskar's website. I made this coat using the coat pattern from the Burdastyle book. There's more detail on the Fiskars page about changes and adjustments I made to the pattern, so go on over and have a read.

I love it, even though I don't look very happy in the photo. I really don't like having my photo taken but the coat wouldn't look so good empty. Or on one of my kids.

So, this year I will be making one item of clothing a month and will be publishing the results on the Fiskars page and linking to it from here.

For February I'll be making the Miz Mozelle dress by Jamie Christina Designs and using some SUPER SPECIAL fabric that will ensure the dress will be a cherished possession forever more.

Anyone care to join me on this year-long sewing adventure?


  1. I'll join you! Though I'm going to divide my year into four equal parts :)

    First on my list is the tank top- I think I can manage it.

  2. I'm in! I failed to finish a dress for myself in December (it still has the Invisible Zipper that Isn't), but it will be perfect for my first 2012 project.

  3. Great! My two favorite sewers. Can't wait to see the results. Tara - are you talking about THE tank top? The handstitched one??

  4. Do I get credit for already completed projects? :)

    No, I plan to do your New Years Eve one. I'm long waisted as well, so I'll follow your lead on lengthening it-

  5. I actually made myself something this year already. I like it. You're inspiring me to make more!

  6. Wow, the coat is cute and I absolutely ADORE the lining!! I wish I had a personal seamstress, haha. I used to be an ok sewer but I'm not great with patterns and am not motivated enough to get back into it right now. That coat is almost motivation enough though! Almost. I have tooo many hobbies & projects on the go right now :)

  7. Adorable :) I am making one.. Hope I find the instructions helpful.. As it will be my first coat..

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this! All of your lovely handy work has inspired me to give it a shot myself.
    I am going to track my progress on my blog as well in hopes it will keep me on task and push me to try harder each month. My sewing skills are not the greatest, but I think this will definitely better my skill set.

    Here's my initial blog post: I tagged your blog and this post ❤


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