Miz Mozelle #2

You're probably fed up with my one awkward pose and 'away from the camera and off into the distance' stare that I do on all my photos when I model the clothes I've made. I know I am. I'm always thinking about buying a dress form but they are so, so expensive (especially these beautiful ones which are the ultimate in dress forms). Has anyone made a duct tape one before?

There's also the small matter of housing it somewhere. My sewing room (a reasonably sized room) is already home to my sewing machine and serger, as well as a large craft table and this amazing lighting kit, (which deserves a blog post of its own and which I shall have to tell you about sometime soon). I suppose I could keep a dress form in the closet, but for some reason that seems a bit inhumane. Plus, creepy.

So anyway, for now, here is an empty Miz Mozelle, the second one I have made. You can read about the first one here.

I really love the style of this dress and it would be a great beginner's project. This time, I decided to brighten up some plain navy jersey with a bright fluorescent yellow bias tape at the sleeves, collar and keyhole. I also added a bright pink button. Pink is not usually a color I choose to use very often, which is probably the reason why I chose it this time.

The dress had an elasticated waist which I really love as it helps give the dress a great shape. It also has this belt to tie around the waist which is a nice detail.

Yep, I love this dress. Has anyone made any other Jamie Christina patterns? I like the look of the Sunny Day dress but halter necks always hurt the back of my neck, so I'm not sure...


  1. I just wanted to say that I have made a duct tape dress form. Rather my biz partner/friend Peggy wrapped me up in one the last time I was over in California.
    It came out okay, but I definitely recommend to NOT pack it in a suitcase! I had to in order to bring it back to France.
    When I unpacked, the boobies were squished, and the rest was compressed. Impossible to prod it back into shape.
    I bought a dress form.

  2. Ok, the idea you someone traveling from CA to France with a duct tape body in their suitcase is really making me laugh. Brilliant! That would be a hard thing to explain at customs....

  3. Hi there... I love this dress combination. I am in the process of making myself an outfit at a time. Can you share where you got your navy fabric and bias from? I feel that is my hardest part in sewing is buying the right fabric. I plan to make this next! I love your site.

  4. Hi Kelley, good luck with your outfit sewing! I usually buy my fabric from a discount fabric store near to my house. It's pretty cheap (I think that navy jersey was less than $3 a yard), sometimes I go to JoAnns and sometimes I buy online (though I usually only do that with fabrics I know). I have bought jersey from Denver Fabrics before. They have good sales, but it is hard buying online because you don't always know what you're getting in terms of color and quality. I totally agree with you about the fabric being so important. It makes or breaks an outfit. The bright yellow bias tape was also from the discount fabric store. I tend to buy trims and notions I like whenever I see them, even if I don't have a project in mind at that time. Things like that are 'here today gone tomorrow' particularly in discount fabric places, so I tend to grab them when I see them. Hope that helps a little bit!??!


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