
Last weekend a friend ask me to recommend a sweater pattern for her little girl and I immediately thought of the Urban Hoodie by Heidi&Finn that I bought a long time ago. I made it just one time last August for my daughter and it was very sweet. Luckily it was just what my friend had been looking for, so she went and bought the pattern from the Heidi&Finn etsy store.

Reminded that I owned this pattern, I pulled it out and realized that it only goes up to 5T and with my daughter (my youngest) turning 6 this summer, I don't have many more months of sewing this up for my own kids left. So, of course I just had to make it right there and then.

I had some sweatshirt fleece (leftovers from a project that may or may not be my May new year's resolution project - you'll have to wait and see...)

Everything I used I had on hand (I LOVE using up stuff) and although the hoodie is a bit jigsaw-y (the hood lining is a different color to the rest of the lining and the blue band along the bottom on the outside is there because I didn't have enough grey to finish it off) I think it all came together really well in the end. I used some tiny scraps for the bunting detail (a trend I'm still loving) and although I didn't have 3 turquoise buttons, 2 turquoise and 1 greenish blue one works, right?

I haven't yet managed to persuade the 5yr old to allow me to photograph her in it, but that's ok. I just like holding it up and looking at it and admiring my work. Do you do that? I have also been comparing it to the first one I made and I can tell that my sewing skills have really  improved in a short space of time. I wonder what I'll be making this time next year?!?!



  1. I love this pattern, and I love your version. It only goes up to size 5? I gotta finally get around to buying it while I still have a couple years to make it for my little boy!! Eek.

    1. Yep, size 5T PLUS I consider it to run small. This one isn't going to last long on my little one :O(

  2. That is absolutely adorable!!

  3. this is lovely!! i adore the heidi and finn patterns, although i haven't actually made one yet ;)

  4. And I'd say the pattern runs small just fyi...

  5. That is just so adorable! Love the bunting applique!

  6. That's gorgeous! Love the mix'n'match and the bunting.
    Yes indeedy I also love to hold up and admire things I have just made :) I just made a hoodie for Clem using the Farbenmix 'Yorik' pattern which is not quite as cute in style but goes up to much bigger sizes. Will blog it shortly.

  7. I haven't ever seen Ferbenmix patterns before but just had a look on their website and looks like they have a huge selection. Have you made many of their patterns and do the instructions come in English or do you wing it?

  8. Replies
    1. Yeah, me too! I'm seriously considering making myself a larger version ~ is that sad?!?!

  9. Oh this is absolutely stunning. Love it! And your blog - beautiful, so pleased to have found it/you x

  10. That is so cute. The best thing about sewing your kid's clothes is you can skip all the pink and purple and make something unique like this for a little girl. Love it!


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