Tie Dye ~ part 2

As promised here are the finished things and the kids are really proud of them! Seriously, this photo above just make me smile so wide. I might even have to start dressing them in similar clothes more often....

This was a size s women's t-shirt that is now a perfect summer's dress for the 4 yr old. We did nothing other than tie dye it, and it fits her perfectly.

This is the 7yr old's concentric circles shirt. The sleeves were folded concertina-style.

I also got carried away by the huge barrel of indigo dye sitting outside so today I dyed a white shirt that, being the parent that I am, I should not own. Spaghetti bolognese seems to find its way on it even when we have a bbq for dinner.

So it is now a lovely blue! This has been 'dipped' about 4 times. Yesterday the kids were so eager to see their finished projects that they didn't want to dip the clothes into the dye more than once. I have a little (but only a little) more patience, and waited 20 mins between dippings to get a deeper color and a more even finish. If you are dyeing something you actually want to look nice, I recommend dipping the clothing into the dye at least 4 times.

I LOVE how the white buttons really stand out now.


  1. How fun! The only time I tried tie dying was a very long time ago in Girl Scouts but I remember having a blast doing it.

  2. So fun! I can't seem to keep a white shirt white either. Maybe I need to find some of that dye:)

  3. Took me right back to the 70s! Don't put the garments in the washing machine with other clothes - the dye does come out whatever they say!

  4. This is awesome! I have been wanting to try this for ever! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I am now YOUR newest follower!

  5. I remember tye dying shirts back school camp! It was so much fun! This brings back memories.


  6. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at NurtureStore. My girls would love to give this a go! And didn't they turn out great? I think the patterns look like dandelions - beautiful!


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