Time to sew {tutorial}

 My kids love making stuff - everything that involves glue, glitter, card or thread and they are happy. I'm sure many children are the same way. I made them this sewing kit at the beginning of the summer vacation, with the hopes that they'd be happy to dig into it as and when. With all the things they need at their disposal, they're happy just sitting quietly for a little while and get busy. I like to take a step back from whatever they get up to, so that I don't influence or impede their creativity.

This was a project I was paid to come up with for the Fiskars website and you can read all about it by clicking here.
This afternoon my 8yr old wanted to make a shirt for his extremely well-loved, and grubby, Piglet. So I had him draw a picture of what he wanted the finished thing to look like, before we drafted a little pattern.
Only my son knows why Piglet has an extra leg hanging out from under his shirt...

This isn't the best photo of the finished shirt but I LOVE that my 8yr old is so pleased with himself AND he's sitting in a large cardboard box. He hand stitched the shirt (but in fact we are going to go back over it on the machine because the stitches are a bit too loose) and it actually fits Piglet perfectly.



  1. What a gorgeous-looking kid and so much like you too! And seeing toys like this Piglet that are so very, very well-loved almost brings a tear to my eye. Charlie has an Eeyore that looks like it may belong to the same series of toys (and is almost as well-loved).
    The 'concept drawing' is too freaking cute, too.

  2. Thanks! He's a really lovely, contented and happy boy - doesn't usually like having his photo taken much which is why he's not often on my blog, but he can be pretty obliging when it's on his terms. He gives me so much happiness and the way that he's connected to this dirty old Piglet is so sweet. We've brought him on all our vacations and travels. Does Charlie's Eeyore also have a music box in his head? Piglet's has long since given up but that's what prevents me from throwing him in the washing machine....Piglet needs a good wash - at least in the sink, if nothing else!!

  3. OH MY! First, this is a wonderful drawing of Piglet! Second, that is an adorable little boy!! and of course, that is a cute little shirt.

  4. So cute!! I had such a good time sewing for my niece's doll, I wish Joe had such a strong attachment to a toy! But, alas, his favorite toys are trains and construction vehicles. Ah well.


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