Father's day card idea

(The one on the left is the one I made for my dad. As anyone who knows him knows he is a bow tie kind of guy. My 6 yr old made the one on the right).

At the risk of alienating those of you who don't have children, I am going to assume that you might still be interested in this idea, in case you have a father of your own that you want to recognize on Father's Day. Father's day is June 19th ~ as I have to keep reminding myself. I don't know if it's because I'm getting old or if it's because I have children who make me a little crazy, but I have a real problem remembering days, weeks and even months. This week I wished my son's teacher a happy weekend (it was Monday), last month I wrote a preschool tuition check and dated it October and sometimes I can't even remember what I'm wearing if I close my eyes. (And all of that is true).

Moving swiftly on, I found this nice explanation on how to make origami shirts. The tutorial comes across a little brusque because there are a lot of exclamation marks!!!!! and bold typing, (I need to be treated gently when learning something new) but if you do what she says, it comes out perfectly. And I mean perfectly!!!!

We enjoyed tipping out my jar of random buttons and letting loose with the glue. (What can I say? I was feeling reckless ~ it's almost the weekend~ I think).

My 4 yr old made this beauty.


  1. OH! That is adorable. I might have to use that idea with my kiddos. If it makes you feel better, I also have the occasional forgetful moment and regularly call the kids by the wrong names.

  2. That made me a feel a little better Claudine, except that I have been doing that for years also! It's all downhill from here ~ and I plan to enjoy it :O)

    Thanks galejade!


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