Teacher appreciation week

My children are very fortunate to have 4 wonderful women in their lives who have taught them things no test score can measure and no budget (big or small) can buy. This week is teacher appreciation week (though I understand that for much of the US it was last week) and today we bought in snacks for our teachers. We made lemon and blueberry muffins and carried them carefully to school in brown paper bags. I hope our teachers know how much we appreciate them.

I am making the apple/thank you gift tag available for download here.


  1. Wonderful, wonderful post!
    I am a full-time art teacher myself. :)

    Great meeting you through the Etsy Blog Team!
    I am the newest follower of your blog. :)

    Mary C. Nasser

  2. Welcome! And hooray for teachers!!!

  3. I used to be a teacher! Everytime a student (or parent) showed any thanks to me it melted my heart. The sad thing is I was a high school teacher and it just doesn't seem to happen that often for many. At least where I taught. I love this idea. Thank you for reminding me to make sure my children always appreciate their teachers.


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